Image Size 24″ x 15.875″ (Limited Edition, Signed and Numbered)
Overall Size 30″ x 22.25″ (Limited Edition, Signed and Numbered)
750 Military Edition (Limited Edition, Signed and Numbered)
250 Publisher Proof Edition (Limited Edition, Signed and Numbered)
100 Artist Proof Edition (Limited Edition, Signed and Numbered)
Special Forces Throughout History
This print displays a depiction of men from the Special Forces from key points in the organization’s history. Each Green Beret in the picture represents a specific era of proud service in Special Forces history. Each uniform is authentic, and the equipment displayed is historically accurate. The picture contains representations of World War II, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and the Philippines. While painstaking care was taken to ensure the historical accuracy of each individual depicted, no painting could ever represent the myriad of uniforms and equipment that a Green Beret uses while serving as “quiet professionals”. This painting is meant to capture the spirit of each era, and show the world what green berets may have looked like during each time period while continuing the legacy of excellence, as warrior-ambassadors throughout the world to defeat the enemies of freedom and to liberate the oppressed.
De Oppresso Liber